Bwabwata National Parks
Bwabwata is established in 2007 merging the former Caprivi Game Park with the Buffalo and Mahango areas. It is the heart of the world’s largest conservation area, the Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA).
Still raw but bursting with potential, this verdant park feels a little like Botswana’s Chobe minus the crowds. Bwabwatais one of very few places in Africa where humans and animals coexist inside a national park. It’s an ambitious community-driven conservation project that has seen animal populations once decimated by rampant poaching and the so-called Border War of the 70s and 80s, returning in their droves.
Mahango Park
Size: 245 km2
Just 40 km away from our lodge
Excellent wilderness ambiance
Little visited off-the-beaten-track park
Wildlife numbers are increasing with elephant, buffalo, common reedbuck, red lechwe, zebra, giraffe, crocodile, hippo
There are limited driving tracks
Buffalo Park
Size: 629 km2
Just 40 km away from our lodge
Excellent wilderness ambiance
A great insider tip
Amazing game viewing possibilities with elephant, buffalo, roan antelope, sable antelope, kudu, impala, crocodile, hippo
Ruins of old South African Army station
Kwando Park
Size: 1’280 km2
190 km away from our lodge
Excellent wilderness ambiance
Popular horse shoe with elephant herds
Large variety of wild animals with elephant, buffalo, crocodile, hippo, African wild dog, lechwe, sitatunga, reedbuck
Sandy driving tracks